+90 532 337 54 58 kartlar


What is an airport transfer?
When you book holiday or city accommodation and flights separately - you will need transportation to get you from the airport to your accommodation and back again. Our company is one of the Largest Independent Transfer suppliers in Istanbul and can guarantee you a pleasant trip.
What service you offer?
Premium Transfer - This will be in a Mercedes Vito or similar luxury vans with your own driver, no sharing.
How do I contact the Istanbul Airport Transfer Central Reservations Office?
You can call us. Alternatively you can text us, email us.
Can I book on line?
Yes, Just enter the details on the ‘EReservation’ form and will automatically receive a quote. It is then up to you if you would like to make a booking.
Do I have to book online? Can I speak to someone?
Our online booking process is clear and easy to understand. But if you prefer to speak to us you can make a booking on the phone via our reservations line on: lines are open 09:00-24:00 CET monday to sunday.
How do I know if my reservation is confirmed?
At the time of booking you will receive a Reservation Request, which will then be confirmed by our office. On confirmation of your booking you will receive an email which contains important travel information.
Can I change some data before leaving home?
Don`t worry if your flight details change - these can be amended by you. You will be given contact numbers to help you.
Can I cancel my booking?
Yes, you can cancel a booking. Please contact our Helpdesk. Call us or send an email about cancelation..
How do I find my driver?
In most cases your driver will be waiting in front of your arrival gate near the airport information desk with our sign bearing the lead name of your group. When you come Turkish airports you will see passport control after baggage area and custom control. And after you will see our driver with a baord to sign your name. Wherever possible we will supply you with the name and mobile/cell phone number of your driver.
What happens if I cannot find my driver?
Please call our office number or driver number. If not you will find custom control place and you will see him.
How long will I have to wait at the airport?
You have booked a Private Transfer if your driver should be ready to depart as soon as your group has arrived.
I have lost my luggage. Will you collect it for me later?
All the airlines have handling agents. They will organize for any luggage to be forwarded to your resort address.
I have left something in the vehicle. How do I get it back?
Please contact us our Central Reservations. We will then endeavour to have the items returned to you. A charge may be applicable.
What happens if my flight is delayed or early?
If your flight is early or subject to delays, we will track your flight`s progress and send your driver at the new expected time of arrival and there are no additional charges if your flight is delayed. A lot of our work is corporate based so if you are booking a transfer for other people you need not worry, we will give them the professional quality service they would expect.
What happens if my flight is cancelled?
Contact us as soon as possible, we will have monitored the flight and as a result we will not have send a driver. Your transfer order will be placed on HOLD for 24 hours, during which you can rebook your transfer at no extra cost.
What happens if my flight is diverted to another airport?
Contact us as soon as possible. We will not dispatch the driver to the other airport until you or the passenger have authorised us to do so. Additional mileage charges may be incurred.
What if I miss my flight?
Contact us as soon as possible. We will have monitored the flight as a result we will have dispatched a driver. If you fail to inform us and the driver is dispatched our terms and conditions will apply upon which you will incur a full "No Show" charge. If however you inform us prior to the dispatch of the driver we will place your transfer order on HOLD for 24 hours during which you are able to re-book at no extra charge.
Where do I meet my driver when the Pickup is from a Hotel?
For the hotel pick-up, the driver will meet the customers by the reception area of the hotel.
Where do I meet my driver when the Pickup is from a Station?
Simply get off the train and wait for your driver. He will find you.
Do you offer discounted rates for children or babies?
Majority of our transfers are private transfers so you pay per run.


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